On the research made by the APPA, the 46.3% of pet owners at the US are dog lovers. Yes, the US pet industry is dominated by the dog owners. Aside from the fact that dogs are man's best-friend, these animals are cute and totally adorable especially when being accessorized and dressed up. Cats are also choice of many pet lovers at US because 38.9 opted to have cats as their pets and it was followed by fresh water fish pet which has 11.9%. Thus, because the number of pet lovers at the US is increasing, the demand of the needs of these pets also the reasons why pet expenditures are also increases. In fact, there are myriad of online store that offer dogs and cat accessories. And competition between these marketers are extremely tough because pet owners also make sure that they do have a good quality accessories for their pets.
Furthermore, why dogs are most love? Dogs are playful that captivate the attention of many Americans. Dogs are also easy to train among other animals. These animals are loyal and trust worthy. They could be a best buddy and even a friend. Dogs are ideal pet and could also be part of the family. Dog parents also have their own ways to bounce back the happiness that give by their pets. For instance, dog owners could provide nutritious dog food, take their pet wherever they go, they could even do exercise together. Dogs are intelligent in so many ways and could give much and ideal moment with their masters. This might be the reason why there are pet owners who choose to have dogs rather than any pet.
Aside from the dog accessories like dog collars, leashes, and tags, pet owners also spent much for their dogs in some stuff. To mention some are those for the toys of their dogs, food treats, travel expenses, vitamins, kennel boarding, and of course for their pet's check up. These are the main factor why US pet expenditures are increasing and also the reason why dog industry dominates the US pet industry. Thus, the domination of dog ownership in pet industry in US also provides profit to the many marketers in US who sell dog accessories and also creates integral change on the economic market of the country.
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